
Theta Healing


Die Theta-Healing®-Technik ist eine wunderbare therapeutische Meditationsmethode. Theta steht hierbei für eine Gehirnwellenfrequenz (4 to < 8 Hz), where the brain normally is when sleepy, in toddlerhood or in a state of deep relaxation. Der über eine Meditation erlangte Theta-Zustand zeichnet sich durch ein increased memory- and learning ability aus und genau deswegen ist er für die therapeutische Arbeit of great benefit. Access to the unconscious part of the brain, in which repressed memories are also stored, becomes easier to access. At the same time, the ability to learn is increased: The topics of the subconscious can be actively worked on and new neural connections are created. In other words, the old, burdensome belief system can be easily let go and a new, beneficial perspective can be integrated.

Theta-Healing® was developed by the American Vianna Stibal, who is gifted with a high level of intuition. She initially used her gifts purely in private contact, by giving her acquaintances clues about their near future, Illnesses in their bodies were recognized or understood intuitively, where the root of conflict lay. When she was on a camping vacation with a woman, who suffered from severe pain, noticed severe fungal infestation and was able to heal it spontaneously, she recognized the power behind the method she used intuitively.
After this event, Vianna began developing and elaborating the method: the Theta Healing® technique was born. She gradually applied the method to clients in her natural healing practice and learned more and more about the complex connections between the psyche and the body. She understood, that people create their own illnesses, because they subconsciously believe, that they serve them in a certain way. Dissolving these, underlying the disease, Thought patterns led to lasting healing.
The different methods, which resulted from her joy of experimentation and her clairvoyant abilities, grew into a fund of knowledge, that she wanted to pass on. So she began to teach the technology in seminars and with books.


Single session: 100 €

5he package sessions: 450 €

*In case of cancellation up to 48 Cancellation hours in advance is free of charge otherwise I charge the full price.
** If the hour is exceeded, I charge €25/15 minutes

Disclaimer of liability: Theta-Healing® does not replace your visit to the doctor or therapist, Theta-Healing® sees itself as a supplement and support, especially with the emotional components of healing. Neither Theta-Healing® nor I as HP Psychotherapy make any claim to healing and neither technology nor therapist bear responsibility for the consequences of a Theta-Healing® session.

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