
sound Massage

With a sound massage, singing bowls are gently struck on and next to you. Sounds and vibrations are very pleasant and quickly bring you into deep relaxation. The sound massage gives you a relaxing break, a pause from everyday life and supports you, To let go of everything and to be completely in the here and now.

Sound is vibration. When you're tense, stressed out, traumatized, are sick, the body is out of balance and no longer in its original healthy vibration. Man insists 60 to 80 % of water. Toddlers are more likely to be over 80 % and with 80 Years we are rather under 60 % Water content. Our cells vibrate. This vibration creates friction and the friction creates energy. Everything is energy and the cell needs this energy, to have the strength for their functions. When we are out of balance, the cells no longer have their original healthy vibration.

With a sound massage you will come into deep relaxation and your body can more easily regain its balance. The sound massage creates a feeling of security, of security and being carried. In such a protected space it is possible to let go. Letting go of stress, Fears, Worries and similar feelings, which can be detrimental to health. So find change, inner growth and development take place, Reorganization and healing are allowed to happen. All cells are harmonized. The self-healing powers are activated. The basic trust is strengthened. You can feel yourself and your body again, get in contact with your inner healer and come back into your strength and get to your inherent resources and sources of power. So come bodies, Mind & soul back in harmony. The body finds its balance again.

Muscular and mental blockages can be released due to the vibrations. You feel strengthened and in your strength.
You will find lasting relaxation. The heartbeat slows down. Breathing too, blood pressure drops, the vessels widen. A deep sense of well-being and serenity spread. The sound massage has a holistic effect on the body, Mind and soul and can strengthen your health, improve body awareness and thereby promote and support the recognition and use of one's own resources. It enables a positive influence on self-confidence, Creativity and creativity.

The sound massage is based on ancient knowledge about the effect of sounds, that already before 5000 Years in the Indian healing arts. In the Eastern imagination, man emerged from sound, so is sound. Only the human being who lives in one sound with himself and his environment is therefore capable, to shape one's life freely and creatively.

A 60-minute sound massage costs 60,00 €.
Appointments by arrangement.


Das Monochord wird auf den Körper aufgelegt. Die oben liegenden Saiten werden durch darüber streichen mit den Fingern zum Klingen und Schwingen gebracht. Dadurch kommst du in eine tiefe Entspannung und dein Körper kann wieder leichter ins Gleichgewicht kommen. Du fühlst dich geborgen und beschützt. In such a protected space it is possible to let go. Letting go of stress, Fears, Worries and similar feelings, which can be detrimental to health. Durch den direkten Körperkontakt mit dem Körpermonochord wird das anhaltende Schwingungsverhalten erlebt wie eine zarte, einfühlsame Berührung der Seele. Der sich ausbreitende Klangteppich zaubert zahlreiche Klangfarben der Obertöne hervor und wirkt beruhigend, entspannend und wohlig anregend in Geist und Körper hinein. Die zarten Klänge und Töne hüllen die Seele wärmend ein. So find change, inner growth and development take place, Reorganization and healing are allowed to happen. All cells are harmonized. The self-healing powers are activated. The basic trust is strengthened. You can feel yourself and your body again, get in contact with your inner healer and come back into your strength and get to your inherent resources and sources of power. So come bodies, Geist & Soul back in harmony. The body finds its balance again.

Eine 30-minütige Klangmassage kostet 30,00 €.
Appointments by arrangement.

Klangmassage kombiniert mit ätherischen Ölen

Du suchst dir ein ätherisches Öl aus, welches während der Behandlung im Diffuser vernebelt wird. Wenn du Zuhause diesen Duft einsetzt, wirst du noch besser entspannen können. Du verbindest die Tiefenentspannung über die Klangmassage mit dem Geruch.
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