So you can use the essential oils, with whom I work, easy to order and 24% save.

Essential oils are also called the blood, or the soul of the plant, contain the most powerful antioxidants, that can and are found in nature

❣ mit Sauerstoff zu versorgen

❣ zu stärken

❣ die Schwingung zu erhöhen

❣ die negativen Emotionen zu harmonisieren

❣ das Wohlbefinden zu steigern

❣ den Körper zu reinigen, emotional, physically and spiritually

Essential oils

1. step:

Open in a new window and select your country.

2. step:

Click on “ at the top rightRegister“, then click “Create an account“ (You only create the order account once, You can then log in at any time using “Login”..

3. step:

First of all, lay down, before you select the starter sets displayed, a free order account as a "sales partner", if you like the oils and oil-infused products 24% want to order cheaper. You can do this either as a private person or as a company, without a minimum order or order obligation. Enter your details to register.

Important: Enter “A member brought this to my attention" in the field "Enroller" and "Sponsor“ my ID, the 11846021 a, so that you have me as your contact person and you for the bonus materials, which we have in the team free of charge for members, qualified. If you click on the link above, the enroller and sponsor are already registered.

4. step:

The cheapest way to order is via the “loyalty program” in your newly created account.. Es gibt auch die Option „Einmalige Bestellung“, but if you

  • at 3 Months in the first year and then annually your loyalty gift sichern möchtest:
  • after 3 Months in the loyalty program you get one Free Dewdrop diffuser and 5ml orange essential oil,
  • after 6 months in the loyalty program you get a large suitcase for approx. 30 Öle und 5ml der ätherischen Ölmischung Purification geschenkt,
  • after 9 months in the loyalty program you get 15ml of tea tree essential oil and the WanderBliss diffuser gifted,
  • after 12 months in the loyalty program you get 5ml Loyalty (“Be true to yourself and others”) gifted – eine spezielle ätherische Ölmischung, die es so gar nicht zu kaufen gibt,
  • after 24 Months in the loyalty program you get it Aria diffuser and 5ml loyalty for free.

Here you see everything, what you get as a gift:

AND if you additionally:

  • Collect bonus points willst (the PV Points, which are included with every product, add up to the total order and you collect the bonus points as a percentage: 10% in the first 3 Months, 20% from 4. Month and 25% from 3. year,

then I definitely recommend ordering from the loyalty program.

Personally, I've been ordering my oils since 2017 mit der monatlichen Treuepunktebestellung. I always enter my order date in the calendar, so that I can then easily change the order or simply cancel it (which hasn't been the case since I started).

5. step:

If you have questions, feel free to call me or contact me on Whatsapp/Telegram at 0173/6501632 or write me an email an Then we can go through your first order together.

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